First, a SPX 60 minute 10 week chart as seen at left. We clearly have a right angled ascending pattern with what appears to be a false break down. In a hat tip to bulls everywhere, the closing candle got above the trend by a smidge, though volume was light, and conviction appeared weak all day. As mentioned in yesterday's blog post, here, I still don't feel like I've seen any good selling in the last few days and fortunately for
Next, let's ask our "Spirit Guide" to bring us clarity via the SPX daily chart over the last 6 months. Heavy blue lines are support and resistance (respectively): 1067, 1102, 1122, and a fib level at 1141, which is also a two sigma Bollinger. The light pink horizontal at 1107 denotes an unfilled gap, no matter how small, there is one between 1106.5 and 1107. Note on this chart something that I like to Tweet frequently, "bullish TA in a bearish environment is a combustible mixture, indeed." I see grinding against, and slight break over of a clear resistance area at 1122, as well as a 50% retracement area at 1118. Given the facts, I believe a move to 1141 could ensue, however, without Earth shattering news, this market feels like one of those Saw movie puzzles where everyone ends up with their grapes blown off.

In closing, know your dojis. I don't trust dragon flies at the top, gravestones at the bottom, or long shadows at any time. Monday will be a circus of weekend news and maximum choppiness that hopefully falls in my favor as traders grabbed shares like douchebag kids in the skate party cash booth this afternoon. Enjoy the weekend my sweet chums.
Cordially, and most unabashedly bearishly yours.